Wednesday 19 October 2011

Media Focus: Chart Shows

Extract 1: The Top 40 singles of 1982

1) What happens at the very begining of the show?
           At the beginning of the show there is an introduction with a posh, older male presenter who talks
           about the show and what is coming up.

2) What different elements of audio are used?
           The show's theme plays out through the beginning as the show starts broadcasting. Voice is used by
           the radio presenter introducing the show. jingles are also used throughout the show.

3) What style  of music is used as background music?
           Old fashioned music from the 1980's that was classed as pop were used as the shows back ground

4) What different voices are heard ? What are they like?
           An up beat happy presenter is presenting the show. It was his voice that were heard, as well as the
           songs themselves. His voice was quite old sounding and posh. He sound very upbeat.

5) What is the tone of the show ?
          The tone of the show shows a good happy vibe to the listeners.

6) Who are the audience of the show?
           The audience are the mainstream pop audience of the early 1980's.

7) What  is the structure of the show?
           As the show begins it has a musical voice over introducing the show, then the DJ continues
           with presenting the show.

8) What key aspects help us to placce it in a spesific era?
           The background music and the songs that are charting themselves.

Extract 2: A chart show in 1985

1)  what happens at the very beggining of the show?
          At the begginig of the radio chart show the presenter, who is a different younger man from 
          extract 1 (1982) goes straight to the music that has charted instead of introducing himself
          like the previous extract did. 

2) What different elements of audios are used?
          In 1985 the show had a different type of element and the presenters voice was different and
          sounded alot more relaxed and calm. 

3) What style of music is used as background music?
          The different style of music used as background music is a slow sounding 
          soundtrack keeping the show at a calm and relaxed pace, even though in extract 1, (1982) the
          background music was more pop music.

4) What different voices are heard? what are they like?
     In 1985 the presenters voice was very different to extract 1 (1982) even though it was only 3 years later,
     the presenters voice was more modern, even though he spoke at a very fast pace.

5) What is the tone of the show?
      The tone of the show in 1985 is different to extract 1 by having more chilled down and quite relaxing to
      listen to.
6) Who are the audience of the show?
      The audience of any type of chart show will always be a mainstream audience who are interested in the

7) What is the structure of the introduction?
      The structure of the intro starts of with the music playing that are charting instead of the presenter
      introducing himself like in extract 1 (1982.)

8) What key aspect help us to place it in a specific era?
     Again like extract 1, the background music and the songs that are charting themselves.

Extract 3: A chart show in 2011

1) What happens at the very beginning of the show?
      Currently in the chart show, the presenter Reggie Yates intoduces the show with statistics about the songs that are charting, for example new entrys and songs that are moving up or slipping down. Then he talks about a special guest that may appear on the show. For example Jessie J rec ently appeared on the show.

2) What different elements of audio are used?
     The type of audio that is used is voice. The presenter has a less posh voice and more informal and friendly than the previous extracts. Also, he interviews some singers who are in the studio or in over the phone.

3) What style of music is used as background music?
     Music with a certain beat are used as background music whilst the presenter is talking.

4) What different voices are heard? What are they like?
     An upbeat informal presenter is used for the show, who is more modern than the previous presenters are is up to date currently. This keeps people interested in the show.

5) What is the tone of the show?
     The tone of the show is entertaining, to keep the listeners entertained with certain games used and the conversations that are had.

6) Who are the audience of the show?
    The mainstream pp audience of today are the audience of the show.

7) What is the structure of the show?
    As the show begins, it plays the previous weeks number 1, then the presenter introduces the show and revels some of the statistics, then the show begins with the music playing of the songs that are in the top 40. They also have special guests such as Jessie J some weeks.

8) What key aspects help us place it in a specific area?
    The songs in the chart themselves, another thing is you can watch the chart show online from the internet and you can text in to say your thoughts.

Genre, Media Codes and Conventions

Genre: The type of theme that is set for a play/film/music. For example, genre's for films would be horror, romance, western, sci-fi, action etc.
 Here is an example of a Western film.

Media Codes: A technical element to create a certain effect to the audience, for example in horror they would want to create fear as an effect for the audience.
A clown, because clowns are often in scary films and create fear for the audience.

Convention: Something the audience are expecting to happen in a certain genre of film, for example in a romantic comedy, the audience could expect to see a couple finding love.
 This picture is an example of a couple finding love from the film Titanic, which the audience expected to see.

                                                     Conventions In Films

In a western film, the conventions are:
- Cowboys                                       - Horses
- Hats                                               - Soundtrack Music
- Guns                                              - Waist Coats
- Red Indians                                    - Close Up shots on eyes and fingers
- Bar Fights                                       - Card Games
- Smoking Cigars                              - Piano playing

In a adventure film, the conventions are:
- Spy's                                              - Chasing scenes
- Good and evil characters                 - Sting (music to show important characters)
- Black suits                                      - Leader/Sidekick characters
- Low point/High point                      - Exotic locations to film in
- Themesongs and soundtracks

In a Sci-Fi film, the conventions are:
- Aliens                                              - Lasors
- Spaceship                                        - Rocks
- Darkness                                         - UFO's
- Computer Generated Images            - Astronauts
- Imagenary                                        - Paranormal
- Robots                                             - Start treck
- Longshots showing around space      - Subtitles
- Sound effects                                    - Cross cutting
- Slow Motion                                     - Dark and leathery clothing.

An example of an action film                   An example of a sci-fi film

Thursday 6 October 2011

Welcome To Media

types of media

- Modern media is something that is popular and modern at this moment of time, for example Facebook and Twitter are very popular social networking sites right now

- Mass media is something that is being consumed by a mainstream audience, for example television programes, especially soaps like Eastenders have a large audience. An example of a recent film being consumed by a mainstream audiennce is The Inbetweenners movie.

Channel 5's reality television programe Big Brother is an example of mediated media. This is because it has cameras following the housemates 24 hours a day at all times. the producers of Big Brother then pick the best bits and broadcast it on a 1 hour show at 10pm every night.

Tom Daniells